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What is the History of Cremation?

Sep 25

What is the history of cremation? Cremation has been around since prehistoric times. During prehistoric times, people would place their dead ancestors in bonfires as a way of remembrance and to allow the soul to journey to the afterlife. As the centuries passed, cremation became more refined and became an important religious activity. Today, cremation is practiced more as a religious ritual than a cultural one, although many families still choose to place the deceased's remains in a funeral or burial container for the final memorial service.


Throughout the years, cremation containers and urns have evolved to include all sorts of unique features to accommodate every consumer need, no matter what kind of cremation procedure is planned. In fact, it is not uncommon to find cremation containers that double as urns! They are designed with the cremation body in mind. These are made from various materials such as stainless steel, acrylic, wood, resin and fiberglass. It can be hard to determine the actual history of cremation because many different religions have practices that are similar to each other.


The first cremation history documents were in the form of skeletal remains. These were discovered in excavations throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. Some of these remains contained charcoal, which is believed to be the first kind of cremation ash. Others were simply dust from cremation ovens. Even though these skeletal remains were found many years ago, they provide insight into how the process of cremation really worked at that time.


Another fascinating piece of the cremation history is the fact that many people from different cultures believed that the human body could not be properly cremated without taking its essence with it. Therefore, the dead would be buried with the body, which was also called urning. This practice was widespread throughout Asia and even America during the colonial period.


Cremation has been proven to be safe for humans by modern medical science. It is usually only messy when using a traditional cremation oven. Many religious groups now support cremation since they do not believe in burial. They are not really sure what the human remains will do after they are cremated, since the heat from the cremator is thought to disintegrate them into ashes.


With cremation, the remains are burned or buried along with the original cremator. This way, the family can have complete closure when handling their loved one's cremated remains. It is important for the family to know that if they decide to cremate their loved one's remains, it will mean that they are burying the ashes alongside the cremator. If they cremate the remains outdoors, there will be no way for their family to access the ashes.


There were many methods for cremation throughout the years. The most common methods were fire, hammer, wood and even bone. Today, the most common way to have a human body cremated is by using an automatic cremation unit.


When looking into the what is the history of cremation, you will find that over time, it became less of a funeral tradition and more of a way for the family to cope with their loss. Over time, the method of cremation has evolved into becoming a more eco-friendly alternative. Some cremation companies even offer their clients a choice of environmentally friendly options for cremation. The remains are also kept in an environmentally controlled environment, such as a secured compound, for both burial and cremation. With all of this information, it is easy to see that what is the history of cremation is an important one to research thoroughly before making any decisions regarding a loved one's cremation services.




Winston Salem Cremation Services
450 N Patterson Ave
Winston Salem NC 27101